Friday, October 29, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

After dinner tonight, we took the pumpkins we got from the pumpkin patch and we carved them.

Noah: I drew a face on my pumpkin with triangle eyes and a missing tooth. Then Daddy cut out the eyes and mouth for me. He then gave it back to me and I drew another face on the other side. Daddy cut that face out for me too so I have a pumpkin with 2 faces.

Rhys: I drew a face on my pumpkin with two eyes, a nose and a chin. And cheeks. And Daddy cut out square eyes and square teeth for my pumpkin. When he gave it back to me, I added more to the face and that was it.

The Mommy: It was a good time to be had by all. Below is our littlest pumpkin. With God's help, The Parents made him and we're quite fond of him.

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