Monday, January 31, 2011

To Stand or Not To Stand And Other Things

To Stand or Not To Stand...And Other Things
By Owen, 10 & 1/2 months.

Stand! I try. When I'm holding onto my rocker seat or Mommy's hands.

Scoot. I'm getting good at that. I move along on my belly using my knees to push forward and I get around. I can go from the dining part of the house to the family room part and back.

Cat Water Dish. I go there. I love putting my hand in that cool clear stuff. The Mommy always pulls me away. I don't like that.

Eat! I can put food in my mouth. I do like that. Cheerios, Bread, Crumbs that I find on the floor. I scream when I want something to eat. I scream Loud and The Mommy's feet start moving fast then. And she gives me that food.

That Special Word. That word that they use to call me: Owen. Owen. It's a nice sounding word:
The Mommy: "Owen. Owen! Owen, no, sit down."
Big Brother Rhys: "Hi Owen."; "Owen, no, stop!"
The Daddy: "Owen. Hi there. I love you!"
Big Brother Noah: "Owen! I think he likes me. Do you love me, Owen?"

Owen. A cool word.

Sounds. I can do a mean scream. The best is when I am unhappy. Like when The Mommy tries to put me down for a nap. And I do other sounds: "Me-me-me-me"; "Ba-ba-ba-ba"; "Baaaaaaaaa....."

Hands. Cool things. I like to look at them. And I can make them move. I wave them at people or I open and close them or if I want something, I reach them out to grab at something or I sue them to tell The Mommy I want something.

Mote. My favorite toy. I know that it makes the picture on the big square box change. I've tried to change those pictures myself. That's when my Big Bros or The Mommy yells out that special word again:


1 comment:

  1. Too funny Mel. I love the perspective. I can only imagine him doing all of those things, and Rhys and Noah as well.

    Miss you! :)
